The freedom to book your Gold everyday
* The time period of this offer is 9 months.
* There will be daily collection.
* Every customers payment will be collected through upi generated OTP.
* KYC is compulsory for availing this scheme.
* Gold will be booked at the rate of 22 carat.
* The scheme is not available for 24 carat gold like biscuits and rings.
* Customer can purchase 22 carat, 18 carat and 14 carat jewellery.
* The minimum amount to start this scheme is 150 rupees and can be increased in the multiples of 50 for eg. 150/200/250/300 and so on. But once you have fixed the amount you will have to pay the same amount for nine months.
* All transactions will be done through UPI.
* No amount will be accepted or given in cash.
* You need to submit your self attested adhar card/pan card/ cancel cheque or passbook xerox alongwith a photograph.
* Customer can get all the information on the app given to them.
* You cannot buy gold under this scheme or convert it to cash for a period of 6 months after starting.
* Gold as per your investment will be added to your account on a daily basis in this scheme.
* After the period of nine months, once the scheme is over, customers are requested to buy their 22 carat jewellery in a period of t3 months.
* In case the customer wants to stop the scheme, he or she can do so only after completing 6 months. The scheme can’t be closed before that.
* If the purchase is done before the completion of 9 months, no discount will be given on making charges.
* The scheme amount will not be given in the form of cash. It will be deposited in the account only.
* If the customer wishes to close the scheme between the period of 6 months to 9 months, the amount of gold collected will be transferred to their account in the form of money.
* Once the scheme starts all the repated documents will be provided to you.
* While purchasing gold after nine months customers will get a discount of 25 % on making charges. In case of purchase done more than the gold collected in account, the customers will get 10% off on making charges on the extra purchase.
* The purchase of every account will be separate. Two accounts cannot be joined to make a single purchase.
* 2 different schemes cannot be clubbed at the time of the purchase.
* After the completion of the scheme you can make the purchase within three months. But incase of failure in making the purchase, the amount in the form of money will be transferred to your account with deduction of 3% ( cash rate).
* GST as applicable at the time of purchase.